Pedro Franco
Diretor do Departamento de Qualidade do Lidl Portugal, Pedro Franco tem um vasto currículo na área de segurança alimentar.
Licenciado pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, em Segurança e Tecnologia Alimentar, conta ainda com o curso de nutrição Humana pela Escola Superior de Educação Jean Piaget de Almada. Ainda pela Universidade Nova, é Mestre na área em que se licenciou e Doutor em Qualidade Alimentar.
Trabalhou como Nutricionista, por cerca de 6 anos, e foi Técnico de Nutrição na Eurest. Posteriormente, foi Tecnologista de Matérias-Primas na Mars, em Inglaterra, país onde assumiu o cargo de Quality Manager primeiro no grupo Shun Cheong Lung. Prossegue nesta função em Portugal no Grupo Rolo.
Foi professor na Universidade Nova de Lisboa e na Universidade Atlântica nas áreas de Segurança Alimentar e Nutrição.
Em outubro de 2014 entra no Lidl Portugal como Diretor do Departamento de Qualidade, cargo que ocupa até ao hoje.
Director of the Lidl Portugal Quality Department, Pedro Franco has a vast curriculum in the area of food safety.
Graduated from Universidade Nova de Lisboa, in Food Safety and Technology, he also has a Human Nutrition course at Escola Superior de Educação Jean Piaget de Almada. Still at Universidade Nova, he holds a Master's degree in the area in which he graduated and a PhD in Food Quality.
He worked as a Nutritionist for about 6 years and was a Nutrition Technician at Eurest. Later, he was a Raw Materials Technologist at Mars, in England, where he first assumed the position of Quality Manager in the Shun Cheong Lung group. He continues in this role in Portugal at Grupo Rolo.
He was a professor at Universidade Nova de Lisboa and at Universidade Atlântica in the areas of Food Safety and Nutrition.
In October 2014, he joined Lidl Portugal as Director of the Quality Department, a position he holds to this day.
Graduated from Universidade Nova de Lisboa, in Food Safety and Technology, he also has a Human Nutrition course at Escola Superior de Educação Jean Piaget de Almada. Still at Universidade Nova, he holds a Master's degree in the area in which he graduated and a PhD in Food Quality.
He worked as a Nutritionist for about 6 years and was a Nutrition Technician at Eurest. Later, he was a Raw Materials Technologist at Mars, in England, where he first assumed the position of Quality Manager in the Shun Cheong Lung group. He continues in this role in Portugal at Grupo Rolo.
He was a professor at Universidade Nova de Lisboa and at Universidade Atlântica in the areas of Food Safety and Nutrition.
In October 2014, he joined Lidl Portugal as Director of the Quality Department, a position he holds to this day.