Helena Ávila
Conselho de Especialidade em Alimentação Coletiva e Restauração -ON
Nutritionist, Degree in Nutrition Sciences from the Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences of the University of Porto (1998).
Master in Collective Food by the Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences of the University of Porto (2009).
With professional experience in the area of collective food, quality management, food and environmental safety, safety and health at work, since 1992.
She has worked at Uniself, SA since January 2000, as Quality Director.
Invited Professor at the Superior Institute of Health Sciences of the North and Fernando Pessoa University, in the degree in Nutrition Sciences, since 2009.
President of the Board of the Portuguese Association of Nutritionists (Dec 2011 to Feb 2014);
She participated in different research projects, attended national and international scientific meetings, and had publications in several journals.