Graça Ferro
Conselho de Especialidade em Nutrição Clínica -ON
Diretora do Serviço de Nutrição e Alimentação da Unidade Local de Saúde do Alto Minho, EPE (ULSAM, EPE), constituída pelas suas unidades hospitalares: Hospital de Santa Luzia, Hospital Conde de Bertiandos, Unidade de Convalescença de Valença e pelos Centros de Saúde do distrito de Viana do Castelo desde 2009
Formadora nos cursos realizados pela APN na área da Geriatria. Colaborou com a ARS Norte como formadora do Curso de Cuidados Continuados destinado a médicos internos da especialidade de Medicina Geral e Familiar.
Integrou a Comissão de Nutrição Artificial da ULSAM, EPE.
Integrou a Comissão de Nutrição Clínica da APN.
Integra o Grupo de Estudo da Desnutrição (GED) da Associação Portuguesa de Nutrição Entérica e Parentérica (APNEP).
Integra o Grupo de Trabalho Norma NE e PE _Nutrição Entérica e Parentérica no ambulatório e domicilio, em Idade Adulta da DGS.
Integrou o grupo de trabalho de elaboração do Manual de Dietas da Associação Portuguesa de Nutrição.
Director of the Nutrition and Food Service of the Local Health Unit of Alto Minho, EPE (ULSAM, EPE), made up of its hospital units: Hospital de Santa Luzia, Hospital Conde de Bertiandos, Convalescence Unit of Valença and the Health Centers of Viana do Castelo district since 2009
Trainer in courses held by APN in the area of Geriatrics. Collaborated with ARS Norte as trainer of the Continuing Care Course for interns in the specialty of General and Family Medicine.
She was a member of the Commission on Artificial Nutrition at ULSAM, EPE.
She was a member of the APN Clinical Nutrition Commission.
She is part of the Study Group on Malnutrition (GED) of the Portuguese Association of Enteric and Parenteral Nutrition (APNEP).
She is part of the Working Group Norma NE and PE _Enteric and Parenteral Nutrition in the outpatient clinic and at home, in Adult Age of the DGS.
She was part of the working group for the elaboration of the Diet Manual of the Portuguese Association of Nutrition.
Director of the Nutrition and Food Service of the Local Health Unit of Alto Minho, EPE (ULSAM, EPE), made up of its hospital units: Hospital de Santa Luzia, Hospital Conde de Bertiandos, Convalescence Unit of Valença and the Health Centers of Viana do Castelo district since 2009
Trainer in courses held by APN in the area of Geriatrics. Collaborated with ARS Norte as trainer of the Continuing Care Course for interns in the specialty of General and Family Medicine.
She was a member of the Commission on Artificial Nutrition at ULSAM, EPE.
She was a member of the APN Clinical Nutrition Commission.
She is part of the Study Group on Malnutrition (GED) of the Portuguese Association of Enteric and Parenteral Nutrition (APNEP).
She is part of the Working Group Norma NE and PE _Enteric and Parenteral Nutrition in the outpatient clinic and at home, in Adult Age of the DGS.
She was part of the working group for the elaboration of the Diet Manual of the Portuguese Association of Nutrition.